Finally the Sports day has over..
And I am so relief that I'll not having any relationship with Murni anymore..haha!!
Anyway.. The Result was terrible..

Tun Teja (blue)- 1st
Tun Kudu (yellow)- 2nd
Tun Anum (Green)-3rd
Tun Fatimah(red) -4th (my house!!)

But At least I got 2nd place on 4x100m..
Actually I enter 100m, 4x100m and 4x200m..
But 100m I got 4th place and 4x200m I got 3rd place.. 
But teacher said that 3rd place wont get any prizes.. FRUSTRATED you know!!! Haiz..

But, I still have a lot of fun yesterday.. hehe.. XD
I'll post that picture when she upload it..
IF!! She upload it.. 
I met Dharshini too!! 
My old friends.. We hugged tightly.. Wa.. 
It's been a long time since I met her..
She moves out to a new school.. Badlishah after she got an excelent result..
They said that Syazana also came yesterday. 
But I never met her.. 
Anyway.. Yesterday was superb!! 
I'll not forget this last Sports day of my life..
Because this is the last year of my school life.. Huhu.. T.T
cryy.gif vampire knight yuuki cry gif 2 image by Mirela_029crying.gif picture by odiemat
So sad when I think that this is the last year of school year in my life.. 
I'll never met such a cool friends like I have now..


MUhamad Yunuz said...

jemput meh msuk blog aku...mehle...jgn malu dn segan2..x kna byar pon msuk blog aku...jmput la noh....jasamu akn dikenang..peace yo!

Lya ± said...

new contest!

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